Christopher Meyer Law Firm, PLLC
High Conflict Divorce, Custody and Family Violence Attorneys
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VA Benefits Explained https://www.caring.com/resources/veterans-benefits/#va-benefits-explained
Experiencing a mental health crisis, chemical dependency, suicide prevention, human trafficking? Call Kingwood. No referral needed. Flyer here.
Effective Sept. 1, 2021: TX DV license plate recipients will have to display the ADA handicapped placard to be able to park in designated ADA handicapped parking spaces.
Effective Dec. 1, 2021: the TX DMV will required every placard recipient to get ADA placard applications signed by their doctors; TX DMV will no longer issue placards automatically.
Share with veterans to prevent them from getting a police citation.
Related Bill and Analysis:

Contact the All Glory Honor Guard to have an honor guard at your next event or funeral.

St. Vincent De Paul helps Vets in Fort Bend!
Know a veteran (or non-vet) with low income and in need of assistance? St Vincent De Paul has published an extensive resource LIST specific to Fort Bend. Please pass it on!

Fort Bend : COVID Veteran Financial Aid
Fort Bend county still has funds to help veterans. Cesar Cedillo, a Caseworker at FBC Social Services announced that they still have money for Veterans to help with rent, utilities, and other services. Mr. Cedillo can be reached via email address is cesar.cedillo@fortbendcountytx.gov or Social Services phone # is 281-238-3502.

Do you know any Fort Bend Veteran who is interested in mindfulness, meditation, or other mind body practices? Easter Seals Houston would like to help train up a Veteran to co-facilitate workshops.
LINK: https://mailchi.mp/cmbm/20210603-upcoming-trainings?e=bdf9d7b892
POC: Amy Harkins, Ph.D.│Licensed Psychologist
Service Member, Veteran & Military-Connected Family Services│Mental Health
Work Cell: 832.919.5301│AHarkins@eastersealshouston.org

Schedule your COVID-19 vaccination appointment. It's easy, just call the Clinical Contact Center any time at 713-794-8985 or 1-800-639-5137. The center operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Michael DeBakey VA Medical Center. Walk in any weekday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and Saturdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. No appointment is necessary. Enter through the Almeda gate and get the vaccine from the comfort of your car or go to Building 108A on campus. More Info: https://go.usa.gov/xASD8

Easter Seals Greater Houston
ESGH offers Service Members, Veterans and Military-Connected Family members programs and services that include case management, assistive technology consultations, financial literacy programs, service dog program and mental health services. Support groups offered include meetings for adults, women only groups, teens groups and children groups. Mind Body Skills groups are forming as we all are challenged to explore healthy ways to manage stress including meditation, guided imagery, breath work, self-expression, genograms, and mindful eating.
To learn more about the programs offered to Service Members and Veterans at Easter Seals Greater Houston, please call the intake line at 346-330-3859.
If you are a veteran, family member, or caregiver looking for resources, quickly get connected HERE through the Texas Veterans Network.

Find and Compare Nursing Homes, Rehabs, Hospitals, and others in your area

Stimulus 2021: Child Care Assistance
The recent stimulus package passed by the federal government has three significant tax provisions that can have a positive impact on families like yours. As the father of a young child, I know first hand that that in these challenging times, your child’s education is more essential than ever. Especially, caring for them—and preparing them for school. Here at Chris Meyer Productions, we wanted you to be aware of these opportunities, so you could plan your child care needs accordingly.
There are three key ways for families to gain child care assistance. Eligibility for all benefits is dependent upon your personal tax situation, including adjusted gross income and tax filing status.
The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) is a federal tax credit that can help families off-set the cost of child care. Previously, families earning $43,000 or less could claim up to $3,000 for one child and $6,000 for two children. This benefit has been increased. For 2021, families earning up to $125,000 can claim refundable credits up to $4,000 for one child and $8,000 for two children, and families earning between $125,000 and $400,000 can claim a portion of the credit. These tax credits are based on your household’s adjusted gross income and credit a portion of expenses up to 50%.
The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is a federal tax credit that currently provides up to $2,000 for children under the age of 17. For 2021, under the new stimulus package, the credit increases to $3,000 per child, plus an additional $600 for children under 6, expands to include 17-year-olds, and is fully refundable. For qualifying families, the IRS will begin paying the credit in advance in periodic payments.
In addition, many employers offer a Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) that allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars for child care costs. The new stimulus bill increases this year’s allowable amount that can be set aside from $5,000 to $10,500.
These tax credits and FSA changes will impact every family differently. As we are not tax professionals at Chris Meyer Productions, we cannot advise you on the specific impact to your family. It’s best to consult with a tax professional or preparer (tax preparation software will also have information). Or visit irs.gov to learn more.

FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance. Up to $7k
To be eligible, applicants must meet the following conditions:
The death occurred in the United States.
The death certificate must show COVID-19 as the reason of death.
Applicants must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national or legal immigrant who paid for a COVID-19 funeral expense past Jan. 20, 2020. However, the deceased does not need to be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national or legal immigrant.

Veterans Aid & Attendance Benefits
Must have served 90 days of active duty with at least 1 day of active duty during war time (see below)
Must have anything other than a Dishonorable Discharge
Must be 65+ or totally disabled
Must need assistance with at least 2 ADL's (dressing, bathing, grooming, transportation, meals, med management)
Must require assistance from another person or Caregiver
Must meet income and countable asset criteria established by the VA. Cannot have a net worth of more than $129,094 (Assets + Income for VA purposes after expenses for nursing home, care etc.).
WWII - 12/07/41 - 12/31/46
Korea - 06/27/50 - 01/31/55
Vietnam - 02/28/61 - 05/07/75
Persian Gulf - 08/02/90 - 02/28/91
Benefits - These benefits are tax free
Single Vet - $1,911 mo/$22,939 yr
Surviving Spouse - $1,228 mo/$14,742 yr
Must have been married at time of Vets passing -
Married Vet - $2,266 mo/$27,192 yr
2 Married Vets - $3,032 mo/$36,384 yr
Veterans Benefits
Gabriel F. Trevino, AAMS®, Financial Advisor
300 Promenade Way, Suite 190, Sugar Land, Tx 77478
Main Tel. 281-242-3307
Retired from US Navy, 22 years of service. He is a volunteer resource - Combined Arms partners with Texas Veterans Commission, Wounded Warrior, DAV Disabled Veterans, and American Legion to name a few.
Veterans Benefits
Another option for free help determining what may be eligible for
Patriot Angels - https://www.patriotangels.com/benefit
Veterans Benefits
Veteran Care Advisors of Texas
James Rush, CFP, CRPC (Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor)
He and his office staff are happy to speak with families about their situation. If they end up completing their own application, then there is no fee for his services.
Office: 1900 St. James Place, Suite 510, Houston, TX 77056
Main tel: 713-552-7000
Website - https://vcatexas.com/
County Veterans coordinators
Online forms and application for benefits can be found here - https://www.va.gov/
Houston - 832.393.0992 or 832.393.8147 and website https://www.houstontx.gov/vetaffairs/
Harris County – 281-876-6600
Fort Bend County - 281-341-4550 and website
Montgomery County - 936-539-7842 and website https://www.mctx.org/departments/departments_q_-_z/veterans_services/index.php
Texas State Veterans Homes – Skilled Nursing/Short-Term Care, Rehab, Long-Term Nursing Care, Memory Care and Respite (Assisted Living not available) - Main tel. 346-293-9600
Web - https://vlb.texas.gov/veterans-homes/locations/houston/index.html
Addr: 14041 Cottingham St., Houston, TX 77048 (South Houston, just north of BW-8)
Pricing - https://vlb.texas.gov/veterans-homes/costs/index.html
Amenities – 120 large private rooms
Houston Contact is: Cyndi Damian, Ofc. 346-293-9518, Cell 832-208-9414, email hv.admissions@houstonvethome.com